Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yun Nam Hair Care

Hmm, what's the most important that girls' 1st thing will see when looking at the mirror early in the morning?
Answer: HAIR
Most of the girls will actually look at their hair to see if they have a bad hair day or when awake will take a look at the pillow to see if hair starts falling or even touching their hair if it's oily.

For my mum, personally I think she has oily scalp leading to falling of hair and the loss of nutrients due to giving birth to 3 of us plus she has white hair growing due to family genes at the age of 4*+. She has been trying out shampoos of hair fall and also buying growth of hair solution to grow her hair more. She has also been dyeing her once every 2-3months when she has the time to do so to let her seem younger. Im sure my mum just want to look beautiful & also to look younger though all of us are running against time.

Personally, my hair does falls almost daily. Im not sure why but it just falls 5-10 strands or even more. I did dye my hair, sometimes would tie it up. It really does scare me a little just to see it drops. I did tried out hair fall shampoo. But it doesnt seem to work much. As my hair is of center-parting, sometimes it's quite obvious. But I do hope to find solutions in "Yun Nam Hair Care" with my mum.

 “There are always solutions with Yun Nam”

1 comment:

  1. Pls view this blog:
