Also go to POCC to pledge for the women to prevent cervical cancer from happening.
Hm, are you wondering what is it all about?
Let me tell you more about it.
Cervical Cancer is one of the most cancers that affects Singapore women. It is found more common in younger women nowadays. If diagnosed and treated early, you can prevent it from happening and recover quickly!! :)
It is the 2nd most common women's cancer worldwide & 500,000 women diagnosed every year. It takes the life of woman every 5 days and 200 new cases diagnosed everyday.
[Early Stages] NO symptoms or signs- a woman may not even know she has it!!
[Later Stages]
Symptoms of Cervical Cancer: 1)Abnormal Bleeding between periods.
2) Abnormal Bleeding After Menopause
3) Abnormal Bleeding After Intercourse
4) Watery or Bloody Vaginal Discharge
5) Lower abdominal pain during intercourse
*If you have any of the symptoms above, do go to your own doctor! :)
At Risks-
If you have been sexually active, you may be at risk.
Early age who had their first sexual experience may have the risk.
Multiple sexual partners also do result in having cervical cancer.
Smokers also have 10 times more likely to get cervical cancer compared to non-smokers.
And if you ever suffered from STD(sexually transmitted disease[HIV, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphillis]).
Dont take the chance of making it happening and regret in future!!
For more information, you can go to POCC. :)
Power Over Cervical Cancer is a campaign that aims to make Singapore the country with the lowest incidence of Cervical Cancer and they need your help to spread the word. Pledge your support for this cause and protect those you care about by telling them about Cervical Cancer. Together, we have POWER Over Cervical Cancer. Click the button below to begin!
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