Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Today feeling quite tired and vexed..

Really just don't want to do anything. The more I do, the more things surfaced... Why is money important that can just twirl a person into so messed up? Without money, you are nothing. With money, people may come and bootlick you. Different problems surfaced everywhere. Relationships too, temptations everywhere. Will you resist or let your guard down? Mind and Soul Battling, who will win? Now everything seems to go back to the start point. No changes, just stagnant. Hardly breathe nowadays, just wanna go out for a jog.. Now even the slightest sigh have to be silent. Yet I cant break down at this crucial moment, still need me to support and really help.

What do humans come down to earth for? Answer: to save lost souls and sinners.
I even have the answers to my questions nowadays. I just want to break FREE!!
Nowadays, Im holding back now and then. Sometimes really just want to let go and go back to my own lifestyle but I cant. They really need me. Everyday trying to refresh myself, getting tired and old. Even my looks from sweet 16 become matured 22 when Im not there yet. Do I look so old? I cant even do anything to get out of it. 

Tired..... Vexed...... When will I sleep in peace without thoughts?

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